Volume 6 |Issue 6| Nov-Dec 2018                                  Date of Online:31 December 2018

Chemical profile of Datura stramonium L. by using HRLC-MS spectra.

Satpute SB1* and Vanmare DJ2

1Department of Biology, Shiv Chhatrapati College, N- 3, Cidco, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India

2Department Of Botany, Vivekanand Arts, Sardar Dalipsingh Commerce and Science College, Samarthnagar, Aurangabad (M.S.), 431001.

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The chemical profile of Datura stramonium L. was characterized by using HRLC-MS spectra. The relative concentrations of various compounds getting eluted as a function of retention time gives in chromatogram. The relative concentration of the bioactive compounds present in the plants was indicated by the height of peak. The mass spectrometer analyzes the compounds eluted at different times to identify the nature and structure of the compounds. These mass spectra are fingerprint of that compound which can be identified from the data library. This report is the first of its kind to analyze the bioactive compounds of Datura stramonium L. using HRLC-MS. The results are relevant to HRLC-MS analysis of methanolic leaf extract of Datura stramonium L. spectrum profile (fig. 1) gives presence of 100 compounds. Out of that 25 major compounds confirmed on the basis of their retention time, molecular formula and mass. The phytochemical study of Datura stramonium L. using HRLC-MS indicates the presence of fatty acids, organic compounds, phenolics, alkaloids, phytoharmone, coenzyme, aminopyrimidines, dipeptide and tripeptides like important metabolites in these leaves. These results suggested to do further investigations which may lead to the development of drug formulation.

Keywords:Datura stramonium, Phytochemical, aminopyrimidines, HR-LCMS, phytoharmone and methanol.

Editor: Dr.Arvind Chavhan

Cite this article as:
Satpute SB and Vanmare DJ. Chemical profile of Datura stramonium L. by using HRLC-MS spectra. Int. Res. Journal of Science & Engineering, 2018, 6 (6): 231-235


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