Volume 6 |Issue 6| Nov-Dec 2018                                 First published: 31 December 2018

Food and feeding habits of Indian major carps Nizamabad region Telangana, India

Tamlurkar HL (Ph.D.)

P.G. and Zoology Department, Yeshwant Mahavidyalaya, Nanded, MS, India


In India different type of fish's culture activity is done, one of the types of fish culture is culture of Indian major carps, which is mostly used as food. In India Indian major carps are culture on large scale in the pond and reservoir. The investigation of feeding habits of Indian major carp is helpful in the aquaculture practices for getting economical production. The study on the feeding habits of Indian major carp is less attempted, especially in Nizamabd region. Present study is an attempt to elucidate the feeding habits of the carp, viz. Catla catla (Ham), Labeo rohita (Ham), and Cirrhinus mrigala (Ham) from Nizamabd region in relation to available food and the utilization of the food consumed. The study was carried out during the month of October 2017 to February 2018. The samples were collected from nearby dams and brought to the laboratory for further investigation.

Keywords: Gut content analysis, Indian major carps

Editor: Dr.Arvind Chavhan

Cite this article as:
Tamlurkar HL. Food and feeding habits of Indian major carps Nizamabad region Telangana, India. Int. Res. Journal of Science & Engineering, 2018, 6 (6): 241-245.


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